// driver for qemu's virtio disk device.
// uses qemu's mmio interface to virtio.
// qemu presents a "legacy" virtio interface.
// qemu ... -drive file=fs.img,if=none,format=raw,id=x0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0,bus=virtio-mmio-bus.0

#include "types.h"
#include "riscv.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "memlayout.h"
#include "spinlock.h"
#include "sleeplock.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "virtio.h"

// the address of virtio mmio register r.
#define R(r) ((volatile uint32 *)(VIRTIO0 + (r)))

static struct disk {
  // the virtio driver and device mostly communicate through a set of
  // structures in RAM. pages[] allocates that memory. pages[] is a
  // global (instead of calls to kalloc()) because it must consist of
  // two contiguous pages of page-aligned physical memory.
  char pages[2*PGSIZE];

  // pages[] is divided into three regions (descriptors, avail, and
  // used), as explained in Section 2.6 of the virtio specification
  // for the legacy interface.
  // https://docs.oasis-open.org/virtio/virtio/v1.1/virtio-v1.1.pdf
  // the first region of pages[] is a set (not a ring) of DMA
  // descriptors, with which the driver tells the device where to read
  // and write individual disk operations. there are NUM descriptors.
  // most commands consist of a "chain" (a linked list) of a couple of
  // these descriptors.
  // points into pages[].
  struct virtq_desc *desc;

  // next is a ring in which the driver writes descriptor numbers
  // that the driver would like the device to process.  it only
  // includes the head descriptor of each chain. the ring has
  // NUM elements.
  // points into pages[].
  struct virtq_avail *avail;

  // finally a ring in which the device writes descriptor numbers that
  // the device has finished processing (just the head of each chain).
  // there are NUM used ring entries.
  // points into pages[].
  struct virtq_used *used;

  // our own book-keeping.
  char free[NUM];  // is a descriptor free?
  uint16 used_idx; // we've looked this far in used[2..NUM].

  // track info about in-flight operations,
  // for use when completion interrupt arrives.
  // indexed by first descriptor index of chain.
  struct {
    struct buf *b;
    char status;
  } info[NUM];
  struct spinlock vdisk_lock;
} __attribute__ ((aligned (PGSIZE))) disk;

  uint32 status = 0;

  initlock(&disk.vdisk_lock, "virtio_disk");

  if(*R(VIRTIO_MMIO_MAGIC_VALUE) != 0x74726976 ||
     *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_VERSION) != 1 ||
     *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_DEVICE_ID) != 2 ||
     *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_VENDOR_ID) != 0x554d4551){
    panic("could not find virtio disk");
  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_STATUS) = status;

  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_STATUS) = status;

  // negotiate features
  uint64 features = *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_DEVICE_FEATURES);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_BLK_F_RO);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_BLK_F_SCSI);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_BLK_F_CONFIG_WCE);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_BLK_F_MQ);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_F_ANY_LAYOUT);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_RING_F_EVENT_IDX);
  features &= ~(1 << VIRTIO_RING_F_INDIRECT_DESC);

  // tell device that feature negotiation is complete.
  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_STATUS) = status;

  // tell device we're completely ready.
  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_STATUS) = status;


  // initialize queue 0.
  uint32 max = *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_QUEUE_NUM_MAX);
  if(max == 0)
    panic("virtio disk has no queue 0");
  if(max < NUM)
    panic("virtio disk max queue too short");
  memset(disk.pages, 0, sizeof(disk.pages));
  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_QUEUE_PFN) = ((uint64)disk.pages) >> PGSHIFT;

  // desc = pages -- num * virtq_desc
  // avail = pages + 0x40 -- 2 * uint16, then num * uint16
  // used = pages + 4096 -- 2 * uint16, then num * vRingUsedElem

  disk.desc = (struct virtq_desc *) disk.pages;
  disk.avail = (struct virtq_avail *)(disk.pages + NUM*sizeof(struct virtq_desc));
  disk.used = (struct virtq_used *) (disk.pages + PGSIZE);

  // all NUM descriptors start out unused.
  for(int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
    disk.free[i] = 1;

  // plic.c and trap.c arrange for interrupts from VIRTIO0_IRQ.

// find a free descriptor, mark it non-free, return its index.
static int
  for(int i = 0; i < NUM; i++){
      disk.free[i] = 0;
      return i;
  return -1;

// mark a descriptor as free.
static void
free_desc(int i)
  if(i >= NUM)
    panic("free_desc 1");
    panic("free_desc 2");
  disk.desc[i].addr = 0;
  disk.desc[i].len = 0;
  disk.desc[i].flags = 0;
  disk.desc[i].next = 0;
  disk.free[i] = 1;

// free a chain of descriptors.
static void
free_chain(int i)
    int flag = disk.desc[i].flags;
    int nxt = disk.desc[i].next;
    if(flag & VRING_DESC_F_NEXT)
      i = nxt;

// allocate three descriptors (they need not be contiguous).
// disk transfers always use three descriptors.
static int
alloc3_desc(int *idx)
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
    idx[i] = alloc_desc();
    if(idx[i] < 0){
      for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
      return -1;
  return 0;

virtio_disk_rw(struct buf *b, int write)
  uint64 sector = b->blockno * (BSIZE / 512);


  // the spec's Section 5.2 says that legacy block operations use
  // three descriptors: one for type/reserved/sector, one for the
  // data, one for a 1-byte status result.

  // allocate the three descriptors.
  int idx[3];
    if(alloc3_desc(idx) == 0) {
    sleep(&disk.free[0], &disk.vdisk_lock);

  // format the three descriptors.
  // qemu's virtio-blk.c reads them.

  struct virtio_blk_req buf0;

    buf0.type = VIRTIO_BLK_T_OUT; // write the disk
    buf0.type = VIRTIO_BLK_T_IN; // read the disk
  buf0.reserved = 0;
  buf0.sector = sector;

  // buf0 is on a kernel stack, which is not direct mapped,
  // thus the call to kvmpa().
  disk.desc[idx[0]].addr = (uint64) kvmpa((uint64) &buf0);
  disk.desc[idx[0]].len = sizeof(buf0);
  disk.desc[idx[0]].flags = VRING_DESC_F_NEXT;
  disk.desc[idx[0]].next = idx[1];

  disk.desc[idx[1]].addr = (uint64) b->data;
  disk.desc[idx[1]].len = BSIZE;
    disk.desc[idx[1]].flags = 0; // device reads b->data
    disk.desc[idx[1]].flags = VRING_DESC_F_WRITE; // device writes b->data
  disk.desc[idx[1]].flags |= VRING_DESC_F_NEXT;
  disk.desc[idx[1]].next = idx[2];

  disk.info[idx[0]].status = 0xff; // device writes 0 on success
  disk.desc[idx[2]].addr = (uint64) &disk.info[idx[0]].status;
  disk.desc[idx[2]].len = 1;
  disk.desc[idx[2]].flags = VRING_DESC_F_WRITE; // device writes the status
  disk.desc[idx[2]].next = 0;

  // record struct buf for virtio_disk_intr().
  b->disk = 1;
  disk.info[idx[0]].b = b;

  // tell the device the first index in our chain of descriptors.
  disk.avail->ring[disk.avail->idx % NUM] = idx[0];


  // tell the device another avail ring entry is available.
  disk.avail->idx += 1; // not % NUM ...


  *R(VIRTIO_MMIO_QUEUE_NOTIFY) = 0; // value is queue number

  // Wait for virtio_disk_intr() to say request has finished.
  while(b->disk == 1) {
    sleep(b, &disk.vdisk_lock);

  disk.info[idx[0]].b = 0;



  // the device won't raise another interrupt until we tell it
  // we've seen this interrupt, which the following line does.
  // this may race with the device writing new entries to
  // the "used" ring, in which case we may process the new
  // completion entries in this interrupt, and have nothing to do
  // in the next interrupt, which is harmless.


  // the device increments disk.used->idx when it
  // adds an entry to the used ring.

  while(disk.used_idx != disk.used->idx){
    int id = disk.used->ring[disk.used_idx % NUM].id;

    if(disk.info[id].status != 0)
      panic("virtio_disk_intr status");

    struct buf *b = disk.info[id].b;
    b->disk = 0;   // disk is done with buf

    disk.used_idx += 1;
