<html> <head> <title>Lab: xv6</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="homework.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Lab: xv6</h1> This lab makes you familiar with xv6 and its system calls. <h2>Boot xv6</h2> <p>Login to Athena (e.g., ssh -X athena.dialup.mit.edu) and attach the course locker: (You must run this command every time you log in; or add it to your ~/.environment file.) <pre> $ add -f 6.828 </pre> <p>Fetch the xv6 source: <pre> $ mkdir 6.828 $ cd 6.828 $ git clone git://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv.git Cloning into 'xv6-riscv'... ... $ </pre> <p>XXX pointer to an update tools page <p>Build xv6 on Athena: <pre> $ cd xv6-public $ makeriscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -c -o kernel/entry.o kernel/entry.S riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -Wall -Werror -O -fno-omit-frame-pointer -ggdb -MD -mcmodel=medany -ffreestanding -fno-common -nostdlib -mno-relax -I. -fno-stack-protector -fno-pie -no-pie -c -o kernel/start.o kernel/start.c ... $ make qemu ... mkfs/mkfs fs.img README user/_cat user/_echo user/_forktest user/_grep user/_init user/_kill user/_ln user/_ls user/_mkdir user/_rm user/_sh user/_stressfs user/_usertests user/_wc user/_zombie user/_cow nmeta 46 (boot, super, log blocks 30 inode blocks 13, bitmap blocks 1) blocks 954 total 1000 balloc: first 497 blocks have been allocated balloc: write bitmap block at sector 45 qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -kernel kernel/kernel -m 3G -smp 3 -nographic -drive file=fs.img,if=none,format=raw,id=x0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0,bus=virtio-mmio-bus.0 hart 0 starting hart 2 starting hart 1 starting init: starting sh $ </pre> <p> If you type <tt>ls</tt> at the prompt, you should output similar to the following: <pre> $ ls . 1 1 1024 .. 1 1 1024 README 2 2 2181 cat 2 3 21024 echo 2 4 19776 forktest 2 5 11456 grep 2 6 24512 init 2 7 20656 kill 2 8 19856 ln 2 9 19832 ls 2 10 23280 mkdir 2 11 19952 rm 2 12 19936 sh 2 13 38632 stressfs 2 14 20912 usertests 2 15 106264 wc 2 16 22160 zombie 2 17 19376 cow 2 18 27152 console 3 19 0 </pre> These are the programs/files that <tt>mkfs</tt> includes in the initial file system. You just ran one of them: <tt>ls</tt>. <h2>sleep</h2> <p>Implement the UNIX program sleep for xv6; your sleep should pause for a user-specified number of ticks. <p>Some hints: <ul> <li>Look at some of the other programs in <tt>user/</tt> to see how you can obtain the command-line arguments passed to a program. If the user forgets to pass an argument, sleep should print an error message. <li>The command-line argument is passed as a string; you can convert it to an integer using <tt>atoi</tt> (see user/ulib.c). <li>Use the system call <tt>sleep</tt> (see user/usys.S and kernel/sysproc.c). <li>Make sure <tt>main</tt> calls <tt>exit()</tt> in order to exit your program. <li>Add the program to <tt>UPROGS</tt> in Makefile and compile user programs by typing <tt>make fs.img</tt>. </ul> <p>Run the program from the xv6 shell: <pre> $ make qemu ... init: starting sh $ sleep 10 (waits for a little while) $ </pre> <p>Optional: write an uptime program that prints the uptime in terms of ticks using the <tt>uptime</tt> system call. <h2>pingpong</h2> <p> Write a program that uses UNIX system calls to ``ping-pong'' a byte between two processes over a pair of pipes, one for each direction. The parent sends by writing a byte to <tt>fd[1]</tt> and the child receives it by reading from <tt>fd[0]</tt>. After receiving a byte from parent, the child responds with its own byte by writing to <tt>fd[1]</tt>, which the parent then reads. <p>Some hints: <ul> <li>Use <tt>pipe</tt> to create a pipe. <li>Use <tt>fork</tt> to create a child. <li>Use <tt>read</tt> to read from the pipe, and <tt>write</tt> to write to the pipe. </ul> <h2>primes</h2> <p>Write a concurrent version of prime sieve using pipes. This idea is due to Doug McIlroy, inventor of Unix pipes. The picture halfway down <a href="http://swtch.com/~rsc/thread/">the page</a> and the text surrounding it explain how to do it. <p>Your goal is to use <tt>pipe</tt> and <tt>fork</tt> to set up the pipeline. The first process feeds the numbers 2 through 35 into the pipeline. For each prime number, you will arrange to create one process that reads from its left neighbor over a pipe and writes to its right neighbor over another pipe. Since xv6 has limited number of file descriptors and processes, the first process can stop at 35. <p>Some hints: <ul> <li>Be careful to close file descriptors that a process doesn't need, because otherwise your program will run xv6 out of resources before the first process reaches 35. <li>Once the first process reach 35, you should arrange that the pipeline terminates cleanly (Hint: read will return an end-of-file when the write-side of the pipe is closed). </ul> <h2>find</h2> <p>Write a simple version of the UNIX find program: find all the files in a directory tree whose name matches a string. For example if the file system contains a file <tt>a/b</tt>, then running find as follows should produce: <pre> $ find . b ./a/b $ </pre> <p>Some hints: <ul> <li>Look at user/ls.c to see how to read directories. <li>Use recursion to run find in sub-directories. <li>Don't recurse into "." and "..". </ul> <p>Optional: support regular expressions in name matching. Grep has some primitive support for regular expressions. <h2>xargs</h2> <p>Write a simple version of the UNIX xargs program: read lines from standard in and run a command for each line, supplying the line as arguments to the command. The following example illustrates xarg's behavior: <pre> $ xargs echo bye hello too bye hello too <ctrl-d> $ </pre> Note that the command here is "echo bye" and the additional arguments are "hello too", making the command "echo bye hello too", which outputs "bye hello too". <p>xargs and find combine well: <pre> find . b | xargs grep hello </pre> will run "grep hello" on each file named b in the directories below ".". <p>Some hints: <ul> <li>Use <tt>fork</tt> and <tt>exec</tt> system call to invoke the command on each line of input. Use <tt>wait</tt> in the parent to wait for the child to complete running the command. <li>Read from stdin a character at the time until the newline character ('\n'). <li>kernel/param.h declares MAXARG, which may be useful if you need to declare an argv. </ul> <h2>Optional: modify the shell</h2> There are endless ways in which the shell could be extended. Here are some suggestions: <ul> <li>Modify the shell to support wait. <li>Modify the shell to support lists of commands, separated by ";" <li>Modify the shell to support sub-shells by implementing "(" and ")" <li>Modify the shell to allow users to edit the command line </ul> </body> </html>