#include "types.h" #include "param.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "proc.h" #include "defs.h" #include "x86.h" #include "traps.h" #include "syscall.h" #include "spinlock.h" #include "buf.h" #include "fs.h" #include "fsvar.h" #include "elf.h" #include "fd.h" #include "fcntl.h" /* * User code makes a system call with INT T_SYSCALL. * System call number in %eax. * Arguments on the stack, from the user call to the C * library system call function. The saved user %esp points * to a saved program counter, and then the first argument. * * Return value? Error indication? Errno? */ /* * fetch 32 bits from a user-supplied pointer. * returns 0 if addr was OK, -1 if illegal. */ int fetchint(struct proc *p, uint addr, int *ip) { *ip = 0; if(addr > p->sz - 4) return -1; *ip = *(int*)(p->mem + addr); return 0; } // Fetch byte from a user-supplied pointer. // Returns 0 on success, -1 if pointer is illegal. int fetchbyte(struct proc *p, uint addr, char* c) { if(addr >= p->sz) return -1; *c = *(p->mem + addr); return 0; } // This arg is void* so that both int* and uint* can be passed. int fetcharg(int argno, void *ip) { uint esp; esp = (uint) curproc[cpu()]->tf->esp; return fetchint(curproc[cpu()], esp + 4 + 4*argno, ip); } // check that an entire string is valid in user space. // returns the length, not including null, or -1. int checkstring(uint s) { char c; int len = 0; while(1){ if(fetchbyte(curproc[cpu()], s, &c) < 0) return -1; if(c == '\0') return len; len++; s++; } } int putint(struct proc *p, uint addr, int x) { if(addr > p->sz - 4) return -1; memmove(p->mem + addr, &x, 4); return 0; } int sys_pipe(void) { struct fd *rfd = 0, *wfd = 0; int f1 = -1, f2 = -1; struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; uint fdp; if(pipe_alloc(&rfd, &wfd) < 0) goto oops; if((f1 = fd_ualloc()) < 0) goto oops; p->fds[f1] = rfd; if((f2 = fd_ualloc()) < 0) goto oops; p->fds[f2] = wfd; if(fetcharg(0, &fdp) < 0) goto oops; if(putint(p, fdp, f1) < 0) goto oops; if(putint(p, fdp+4, f2) < 0) goto oops; return 0; oops: cprintf("sys_pipe failed\n"); if(rfd) fd_close(rfd); if(wfd) fd_close(wfd); if(f1 >= 0) p->fds[f1] = 0; if(f2 >= 0) p->fds[f2] = 0; return -1; } int sys_write(void) { int fd, n, ret; uint addr; struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; if(fetcharg(0, &fd) < 0 || fetcharg(1, &addr) < 0 || fetcharg(2, &n) < 0) return -1; if(fd < 0 || fd >= NOFILE) return -1; if(p->fds[fd] == 0) return -1; if(addr + n > p->sz) return -1; ret = fd_write(p->fds[fd], p->mem + addr, n); return ret; } int sys_read(void) { int fd, n, ret; uint addr; struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; if(fetcharg(0, &fd) < 0 || fetcharg(1, &addr) < 0 || fetcharg(2, &n) < 0) return -1; if(fd < 0 || fd >= NOFILE) return -1; if(p->fds[fd] == 0) return -1; if(addr + n > p->sz) return -1; ret = fd_read(p->fds[fd], p->mem + addr, n); return ret; } int sys_close(void) { int fd; struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; if(fetcharg(0, &fd) < 0) return -1; if(fd < 0 || fd >= NOFILE) return -1; if(p->fds[fd] == 0) return -1; fd_close(p->fds[fd]); p->fds[fd] = 0; return 0; } int sys_fork(void) { struct proc *np; if((np = copyproc(curproc[cpu()])) == 0) return -1; np->state = RUNNABLE; return np->pid; } int sys_exit(void) { proc_exit(); return 0; // not reached } int sys_wait(void) { return proc_wait(); } int sys_kill(void) { int pid; if(fetcharg(0, &pid) < 0) return -1; return proc_kill(pid); } int sys_cons_putc(void) { int c; char buf[2]; if(fetcharg(0, &c) < 0) return -1; buf[0] = c; buf[1] = 0; cprintf("%s", buf); return 0; } int sys_cons_puts(void) { char buf[256]; int i; uint addr; struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; if(fetcharg(0, &addr) < 0) return -1; for(i=0; i<sizeof buf-1 && fetchbyte(cp, addr+i, &buf[i]) >= 0; i++) if(buf[i] == 0) break; buf[i] = 0; cprintf("%s", buf); return 0; } int sys_open(void) { struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; struct inode *ip; uint arg0, arg1; int ufd; struct fd *fd; int l; if(fetcharg(0, &arg0) < 0 || fetcharg(1, &arg1) < 0) return -1; if((l = checkstring(arg0)) < 0) return -1; if((ip = namei(cp->mem + arg0, 0)) == 0) { if (arg1 & O_CREATE) { if (l >= DIRSIZ) return -1; ip = mknod (cp->mem + arg0, T_FILE, 0, 0); if (ip == 0) return -1; } else return -1; } if((fd = fd_alloc()) == 0){ iput(ip); return -1; } if((ufd = fd_ualloc()) < 0){ iput(ip); fd_close(fd); return -1; } iunlock(ip); fd->type = FD_FILE; if (arg1 & O_RDWR) { fd->readable = 1; fd->writeable = 1; } else if (arg1 & O_WRONLY) { fd->readable = 0; fd->writeable = 1; } else { fd->readable = 1; fd->writeable = 0; } fd->ip = ip; fd->off = 0; cp->fds[ufd] = fd; return ufd; } int sys_mknod(void) { struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; struct inode *nip; uint arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3; int l; if(fetcharg(0, &arg0) < 0 || fetcharg(1, &arg1) < 0 || fetcharg(2, &arg2) < 0 || fetcharg(3, &arg3) < 0) return -1; if((l = checkstring(arg0)) < 0) return -1; if(l >= DIRSIZ) return -1; nip = mknod (cp->mem + arg0, (short) arg1, (short) arg2, (short) arg3); iput(nip); return (nip == 0) ? -1 : 0; } int sys_unlink(void) { struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; uint arg0; int r; if(fetcharg(0, &arg0) < 0) return -1; if(checkstring(arg0) < 0) return -1; r = unlink(cp->mem + arg0); return r; } int sys_exec(void) { struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; uint arg0, arg1, sz=0, ap, sp, p1, p2; int i, nargs, argbytes, len; struct inode *ip; struct elfhdr elf; struct proghdr ph; char *mem = 0; if(fetcharg(0, &arg0) < 0) return -1; if(fetcharg(1, &arg1) < 0) return -1; if(checkstring(arg0) < 0) return -1; ip = namei(cp->mem + arg0, 0); if(ip == 0) return -1; if(readi(ip, (char*)&elf, 0, sizeof(elf)) < sizeof(elf)) goto bad; if(elf.magic != ELF_MAGIC) goto bad; sz = 0; for(i = 0; i < elf.phnum; i++){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, elf.phoff + i * sizeof(ph), sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.memsz < ph.filesz) goto bad; sz += ph.memsz; } sz += 4096 - (sz % 4096); sz += 4096; mem = kalloc(sz); if(mem == 0) goto bad; memset(mem, 0, sz); // arg1 is a pointer to an array of pointers to string. nargs = 0; argbytes = 0; for(i = 0; ; i++){ if(fetchint(cp, arg1 + 4*i, &ap) < 0) goto bad; if(ap == 0) break; len = checkstring(ap); if(len < 0) goto bad; nargs++; argbytes += len + 1; } // argn\0 // ... // arg0\0 // 0 // ptr to argn // ... // 12: ptr to arg0 // 8: argv (points to ptr to arg0) // 4: argc // 0: fake return pc sp = sz - argbytes - (nargs+1)*4 - 4 - 4 - 4; *(uint*)(mem + sp) = 0xffffffff; *(uint*)(mem + sp + 4) = nargs; *(uint*)(mem + sp + 8) = (uint)(sp + 12); p1 = sp + 12; p2 = sp + 12 + (nargs + 1) * 4; for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++){ fetchint(cp, arg1 + 4*i, &ap); len = checkstring(ap); memmove(mem + p2, cp->mem + ap, len + 1); *(uint*)(mem + p1) = p2; p1 += 4; p2 += len + 1; } *(uint*)(mem + p1) = 0; // commit to the new image. kfree(cp->mem, cp->sz); cp->sz = sz; cp->mem = mem; mem = 0; for(i = 0; i < elf.phnum; i++){ if(readi(ip, (char*)&ph, elf.phoff + i * sizeof(ph), sizeof(ph)) != sizeof(ph)) goto bad2; if(ph.type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue; if(ph.va + ph.memsz > sz) goto bad2; if(readi(ip, cp->mem + ph.va, ph.offset, ph.filesz) != ph.filesz) goto bad2; memset(cp->mem + ph.va + ph.filesz, 0, ph.memsz - ph.filesz); } iput(ip); cp->tf->eip = elf.entry; cp->tf->esp = sp; setupsegs(cp); return 0; bad: cprintf("exec failed early\n"); if(mem) kfree(mem, sz); iput(ip); return -1; bad2: cprintf("exec failed late\n"); iput(ip); proc_exit(); return 0; } int sys_block(void) { int i, j; struct buf *b; struct inode *ip; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { cprintf ("issue read\n"); b = bread(1, i); cprintf("disk 1 sector %d: ", i); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) cprintf("%x ", b->data[j] & 0xff); cprintf("\n"); brelse(b); } ip = iget(1, 1); cprintf("iget 1: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", ip->dev, ip->inum, ip->count, ip->busy, ip->type, ip->nlink, ip->size, ip->addrs[0]); iput(ip); ip = namei(".././//./../usertests", 0); if(ip){ cprintf("namei(usertests): %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", ip->dev, ip->inum, ip->count, ip->busy, ip->type, ip->nlink, ip->size, ip->addrs[0]); iput(ip); } else { cprintf("namei(usertests) failed\n"); } return 0; } int sys_panic(void) { struct proc *p = curproc[cpu()]; uint addr; if(fetcharg(0, &addr) < 0) return -1; panic(p->mem + addr); return 0; } void syscall(void) { struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()]; int num = cp->tf->eax; int ret = -1; switch(num){ case SYS_fork: ret = sys_fork(); break; case SYS_exit: ret = sys_exit(); break; case SYS_wait: ret = sys_wait(); break; case SYS_cons_putc: ret = sys_cons_putc(); break; case SYS_pipe: ret = sys_pipe(); break; case SYS_write: ret = sys_write(); break; case SYS_read: ret = sys_read(); break; case SYS_close: ret = sys_close(); break; case SYS_block: ret = sys_block(); break; case SYS_kill: ret = sys_kill(); break; case SYS_panic: ret = sys_panic(); break; case SYS_cons_puts: ret = sys_cons_puts(); break; case SYS_exec: ret = sys_exec(); break; case SYS_open: ret = sys_open(); break; case SYS_mknod: ret = sys_mknod(); break; case SYS_unlink: ret = sys_unlink(); break; default: cprintf("unknown sys call %d\n", num); // XXX fault break; } cp->tf->eax = ret; }